December 11, 2024
Reading Time
7 minutes

10 Urgent AI questions we need to answer

I’m not particularly interested in the debate over “Will AI replace jobs?”

I’m not particularly interested in the debate over whether or not AI will replace jobs. Not because it’s not important — but because it’s not very useful. No matter which “side” you’re on, it gets us no closer to figuring out *What do we do now that AI is here?*

And so, here are 10(+) questions that are better than “Will AI replace jobs?”

Note: I went through a similar exercise as part of my 2023 year in review. Consider using the below questions as journaling prompts to further unpack what AI will mean for your life and work. 

Important? Yes. Helpful? Not really.

10 AI questions to ask yourself

1. How will AI impact our jobs?

Data suggest that across most tasks, AI can improve speed and performance. One Harvard Business School study found improvements across the board in business-related tasks that included:

  • Creativity (e.g., “Propose at least 10 ideas for a new shoe targeting an underserved market or sport.”)
  • Analytical thinking (e.g., “Segment the footwear industry market based on users.”)
  • Writing proficiency (e.g., “Draft a press release marketing copy for your product.”)
  • Persuasiveness  (e.g., “Pen an inspirational memo to employees detailing why your product would outshine competitors.”)

Knowing this: 

  • Zoom in: How could this affect your day-to-day tasks and responsibilities? 
  • Zoom out: How could this affect your role? What about your customers, and the products or services you offer? How might this impact your industry?

2. What is AI capable of — and what does this mean for us?

What can AI do? (Keep in mind that “the technology we see today is the least capable AI we will ever have.”) Now reverse it and consider AI’s limitations — legally, ethically, practically.  

Which tasks and responsibilities will you continue to perform without AI? Why?  

3. Which tasks are most likely to be replaced by AI?

Look at your to-do list. Take note of tasks that are likely to be eliminated or transformed in the near future. (Are there any that could be automated or AI-assisted right now?) 

4. ... And what will take their place?

How will you use this reclaimed time? Where can you add the most value? What skills, tasks, and responsibilities might be in greater demand? 

5. Could AI be the key to greater work-life balance? (How can we use AI to our benefit?)

Imagine the best possible outcome: How could AI improve your life? Outline a few steps you could take today to better your life with AI. 

6. If we could produce 2x as much work, what would that mean for our companies? For our careers? For our business models? For our org charts?

Choose whatever multiplier you like, then consider what 1 year, 3 years, and 5 years from now might look like.

7. ... And what should we do in response?

Write down 3 things you should prioritize this year, and 3 actions you could take this week. 

8. What new skills might we need in 6 months, 1 year, 3 years?

Think big. Should you hone your critical thinking? What about creativity? Empathy? Systems thinking? Data hygiene? Change management?  

9. What hobbies, interests, skills, or careers might become more accessible? Will AI create new job opportunities we haven’t considered?

Dream big. What’s the best thing that could happen? What could AI help you do or achieve? 

10. How soon will all this happen?

(No one knows, but likely sooner than we think. To keep up with AI news, consider following: The Artificial Intelligence Show (podcast), Christopher Penn, Ethan Mollick, and Allie K. Miller.) 

The Bottom Line 

“Will AI replace jobs?” often feels like a proxy for “Does AI matter?” But those are two very different debates.

AI might not “take your job” (lead to layoffs at your company and a net decrease in jobs in the labor market).

And also AI might have a massive impact on your role, your company, and your career.

So make sure you’re asking the right questions.

Question(s) to Consider: 

Which of the above questions feels most urgent for you to answer right now? Set aside some time today to explore it.  

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